Gilo: Affordable Real Estate in Jerusalem


Affordable Real Estate in Jerusalem Gilo, a neighborhood in southern Jerusalem, was established in 1971 as one of the "ring neighborhoods" after the Six-Day War. It boasts the highest elevation in Jerusalem, at 857 meters above sea level. While technically a neighborhood, Gilo is more like a city with approximately 32,000 residents. Gilo was designed with five sub-neighborhoods, each with around 1,500 housing units and its own public institutions like schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, and religious centers. The neighborhood's layout emphasizes spaciousness between buildings, enhancing residents' quality of life and creating ample parks and green areas. Gilo is divided into several sub-neighborhoods: Gilo A, Gilo B, Gilo C, Gilo D, and Gilo E. Gilo A and Gilo E have "Moshav" areas with a religious population. The neighborhood boasts numerous gardens and two main parks: Gilo Park, located at the far end of Gilo E, and Zeidenberg Park in the center, along the main street, HaGanenet. Gilo also offers several commercial centers and a two-story mall ("Uptown" Gilo). Affordable Real Estate and Community Spirit Gilo is a large and diverse neighborhood with varying income levels. Real estate prices are slightly lower than the average in central Jerusalem. The two parks, Gilo Park and Zeidenberg Park, along with many gardens scattered throughout the area, serve as green lungs for the neighborhood. Gilo has a community administration that publishes a newspaper called "Gilon." The architects who designed Gilo and other ring neighborhoods aimed to preserve Jerusalem's unique identity in these large-scale developments. They incorporated traditional Jerusalemite architectural elements, such as clusters of interconnected buildings with inner courtyards, reminiscent of the Old City. The buildings are connected in a way that resembles the Old City walls, and other local features like arched windows and Jerusalem stone are used throughout the neighborhood. Gilo is home to a diverse population, including secular, religious, and ultra-Orthodox Jews, as well as new immigrants and long-time residents. The neighborhood attracts many young families due to its relatively affordable housing and wide range of community services. Gilo has a strong sense of community, with many activities taking place in the community centers and local educational and cultural institutions.