French Hill

French Hill

A Vibrant Jerusalem Neighborhood French Hill is perched on a hilltop 838 meters above sea level, making it one of Jerusalem's highest neighborhoods and the highest in the northern part of the city. If you're considering real estate investments in Jerusalem, French Hill is a neighborhood worth exploring. Public transportation in the neighborhood is well-developed, with numerous bus lines passing through and the light rail running nearby, providing a central transportation artery to and from the city. However, due to the neighborhood's proximity to Highway 9 and the exit towards the Dead Sea, the neighborhood experiences heavy traffic congestion during peak hours. Diverse Housing Options for a Growing Community Unlike most Jerusalem neighborhoods, most of the buildings in French Hill are 6-7 stories high. In 2006, the "Student Village" project was inaugurated in the neighborhood, housing about 1,000 students, contributing to the neighborhood's youthful character. As a peripheral neighborhood, French Hill is peaceful and quiet. The socio-economic status of the residents is middle-to-high, and it is considered one of Jerusalem's prestigious neighborhoods, with many luxury apartments. Due to its proximity to the Hebrew University's Mount Scopus campus, a significant portion of the students and faculty reside in the neighborhood. French Hill has a diverse population. In the past, most of the residents were secular, with a minority of religious residents. However, since the early 2000s, many young religious and ultra-Orthodox couples have moved to the neighborhood, resulting in several active religious communities from various streams. Amenities and Attractions The Dan Jerusalem Hotel is located in the neighborhood, along with two bars: the "Einstein" bar of the Hebrew University Student Union within the Student Village, and the "Artichoke" bar of the "New Spirit" movement behind the neighborhood's commercial center. Additionally, a private complex called "Brosh HaGiv'a" was built in French Hill, including two 12-story luxury towers. In conclusion, French Hill is a young and developing neighborhood in Jerusalem, offering a good quality of life, diverse education options, and advanced infrastructure. With a diverse population and a variety of properties, including apartments for rent and sale, the neighborhood is an attractive option for various types of residents. The ongoing development in the neighborhood promises further upgrades and improvements to its quality of life in the future.